Wednesday, March 1, 2017


On Friday, January 27, 2017, the Visalia City Council, along with our City Manager, city staff and members of the public held our annual planning retreat.  We reviewed the city's mission statement and values, identified issues needing to be addressed, and developed an action plan on priority issues for 2017.  We were ably assisted by Vicki Stasch, a professional facilitator.  Attendance from the public was the highest I've seen, this being the eighth such annual retreat which I've attended since being on the city council.  Another way of describing this gathering was a "brainstorming" session.  We started at 8:30 in the morning and went through 5:00 p.m.  We took public comment and the council informally shared ideas and priorities.

One of the more interesting aspects of the meeting was a panel discussion we had regarding the homeless issue.  We had representatives from Family Health Care Network, CSET, Health and Human Services, the Rescue Mission, Self Help Enterprises, Tulare County Housing Authority and the Visalia Police Department giving their insights into the causes of homelessness and suggestions on how we can address it locally.

The following is a summary of our action plan for 2017.  This will serve as a roadmap and direction for the year.  Feel free to follow the city council and staff in 2017 to see how we do on accomplishing these goals. 

·      Reduce homelessness – Visalia will participate on the new Tulare County Task Force on Homelessness to see what can be done countywide to address this issue.  We will have presentations at future council workshops from other successful cities to hear their ideas.  Another goal will be to locate at least five people who are currently homeless and to develop a work program with funding from Workforce Investment to help them become employable.  We will also look to partner with entities which can assist in building and managing housing for the homeless.

·         Circulation and Transit – We will investigate possibly opening up more streets which cross the railroad tracks on west Goshen to improve circulation patterns.  We will hold a future work session on all roads in the city to see where we can improve traffic circulation.

·              Business friendly - The council will look into continuing to make Visalia a business friendly city.  We'll survey the development community about their experiences with our staff and continue to use best efforts to streamline permitting and fees.  We want to continue to support Kaweah Delta Health Care District and Family Health Care Network downtown.  We will explore a possible branch campus in Visalia from a four-year university such as Fresno State and we will get a status update from the developer of Sequoia Mall.

·               Visalia as a Destination – We approved going forward with re-establishing the annual Fourth of July fireworks celebrationat Groppetti Stadium in 2017, seeking to develop a public/private partnership for this project.  We'll continue to emphasize sporting events such as the Senior Games, the Cal League Summer All Star Game, and holding other allstar games and championships here in Visalia, which is centrally located. We will investigate further the possibility of an aquatics complex.

·                     Water –We will continue to encourage conservation of this precious resource.  We will look to our landscape and lighting districts for reduced consumption, seek additional funding for recharge basins on the east side in particular, and bring the new water conservation plant online this year to assist in recycling water.

·                  Sustainable Community – We'll use Measure N funds as a tool for improving our parks, streets and public safety.  We'll continue to emphasize connectivity between subdivisions and parks.  We'll work to complete more trails such as the St. Johns Parkway and Modoch Ditch Trail.  And in a future city council work session, we will receive a report on the status of downtown lighting and how to improve and update that system.

·                Strong Downtown – We will explore ways to fund the new east downtown civic center, including a new city hall.  We will also review city-owned properties and identify those to sell to help raise funds.

Last Call for the Visalia Senior Games
Just a reminder that Visalia's second annual Senior Games will be held March 17th - 19th and March 24-26,2017.  If you haven't signed up yet, visit and come join the fun!

If you have questions or topics regarding the city which you would like to have addressed in future articles, please email Warren at  For past articles, visit