Monday, February 1, 2016


Direct Magazine published my first commentary in September 2010, which means that I've been writing this monthly article for 5½ years now.  In reviewing my old posts, found at, my initial articles from 2010 covered such topics as the Riverway Sports Park, the Historic Visalia Walking Trail, the Senior Center, city budget issues and salary negotiations with the five city employee unions.

At the time, I was still a relatively new city council member, having been first elected in 2009.  The City of Visalia has a public relations department with capable employees who usually write the speeches, editorials and articles on behalf of council members.  Most politicians have ghost writers. However, for Direct Magazine, I've always elected to write the articles myself.  At least to me they seem a little more authentic, and give me an opportunity to share my thoughts.  As an elected figure, I want to express my independent viewpoints, perhaps giving you a little different peek into the workings of city government.  On the other hand, because I don't have my writings pre-approved by the city, I can't blame them for my mistakes!  I claim sole responsibility for the content.

I also find that writing this monthly article is therapeutic, it gives me the opportunity to sift through and digest what has been placed before me at City Hall, and crystalizes my thought process.  For our biweekly city council meetings, each council member is usually provided at least 50-60 pages of reading materials, including staff reports, Powerpoint presentations, draft ordinances, and such.  I read and mull over each topic in order to form an opinion that I believe will be consistent, and then vote in a way that I hope will benefit my constituents. This article actually provides me a sounding board, an opportunity to bounce ideas off myself.

When I first came up with the idea of writing these articles, I approached a number of publications in the area about publishing them, but they expressed shock that I would even ask!  Why should a politician be allowed to provide a regular article, when they were the ones employed to write and give their viewpoints as to what was happening at City Hall?  In my mind, freedom of the press extends beyond the hired help, and all citizens, elected or not, should have the opportunity to express their opinions in print.  Direct Magazine was the only publication that accepted my offer to write such an article, and for that I am grateful.  Direct has been kind enough to give me a regular spot on the inside back cover of their magazine each month since then.  Ironically, in the intervening years, as print media has fallen on financial hard times and laid off staff, I've been approached by some of the same publications about writing a regular article for them. But I'm a loyal kind of guy, so I've continued to write exclusively for this magazine, because they first gave me a bully  pulpit.  That's not to say that periodically, when a bee gets stuck in my bonnet, or when I believe an item needs additional emphasis, that I won't continue to submit editorials to other publications.

Finally, I thank you, my loyal readers, for reading what I have to say in this article each month.  Over the years, I have received more and more comments from people who indicate that they anticipate reading my articles each month, whether they agree with my opinions or not.  I look forward to continuing to write these articles and hope that I meet your expectations.  As always, I encourage you to email or call me with any questions or topics you'd like me to address in future articles.

Water Conservation Update
Beginning in June 2015, the state set a target for Visalia of 32% water usage reduction over 2013 levels.  At a recent city council meeting it was announced that in November 2015, Visalia conserved 33% compared to 2013, the first month that we met and exceeded our goal.  Residential customers led the way by reducing their water usage by 38%.  According to Cal Water, in 2015 the city used approximately the same amount of water as Visalia did in 1998, when our population was about a third less.

With the wonderful winter rains we've been experiencing, it is my hope that the city and the state will cut back on their water restriction mandates, and instead educate the citizens on the benefits of voluntary compliance.  As Cicero noted, summum ius, summa iniuria-the more law, the less justice.  As for me, I trust the citizens of Visalia.

Continue to pray for rain and for an end to this drought.  However, we should all continue to try to conserve this precious resource.

Warren Gubler
Visalia Vice Mayor
(559) 713-4400 x 3313